
User Agreement


版本/Version: v1.0                

请仔细阅读这些条款和条件! 请注意排除或限制责任和管辖法律和司法管辖权的条款,这些条款可能会出现在大写字母中。本协议与亿电通有关。



1          条款的适用和接受

Application and Acceptance of the Terms

1.1       欢迎访问http://www.greengrid.cn! 这些使用条款描述了适用于您不时访问和使用亿电通拥有,运营,品牌化或提供的网站,移动站点,移动应用程序和其他门户的条款和条件。本条款是您作为网站的用户(以下简称为您的用户)与上海亿电通网络科技有限公司签订合同。( 以下简称为我们我们的亿电通)。

Welcome to http://www.greengridvcm.com! These Terms of Use describe the terms and conditions applicable to your access and use of the websites, mobile sites, mobile applications and other portals owned, operated, branded or made available by GreenGridVcm.com from time to time. This document is a legally binding agreement between you as the user(s) of the Sites (referred to as “you”, “your” or “User” hereinafter) and the GreenGrid (China) Technolony Co., Ltd. (referred to as “we”, “our” or “GreenGridVcm.com” hereinafter). 

1.2       您通过网站访问和使用网站GreenGrid.cn的服务,软件和产品时,应遵守本文档中包含的条款和条件以及GreenGrid.cn可能会不时发布的网站的任何其他规则和政策。 本文档以及网站的其他此类规则和政策在下文中统称为条款。 通过访问和使用网站和服务,您同意接受条款并受其约束。 如果您不接受所有条款,请不要访问或使用服务或网站。

Your access to and use of the Sites and GreenGridVcm.com’s services, software and products through the Sites is subject to the terms and conditions contained in this document as well as any other rules and policies of the Sites that GreenGridVcm.com may publish from time to time. This document and such other rules and policies of the Sites are collectively referred to below as the “Terms”.  By accessing and use of the Sites and Services, you agree to accept and be bound by the Terms.  Please do not access or use the Services or the Sites if you do not accept all of the Terms.   

1.3       每个用户声明,保证并同意:(1)您具有接受条款,授予许可和授权以及履行本协议下的义务的全部权力;如果(2)您尚未达到与亿电通签订具有约束力合同的法定年龄,或者(3)根据中国法律或其他国家/地区(包括您居住的国家/地区或访问和使用服务和站点的国家/地区)的法律,您被禁止接收任何服务,则您不得访问或使用服务或网站。

Each User represents, warrants and agrees that (1) you have full power and authority to accept the Terms, to grant the license and authorization and to perform the obligations hereunder

You may not access or use the Services or the Sites if (2) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with GreenGridVcm.com, or (3) you are not permitted to receive any Services under the laws of China or other countries / regions including the country / region in which you are resident or from which you access and use the Services and the Sites.

1.4       亿电通可随时通过在网站上发布相关的修订和重述条款来修改任何条款。继续访问或使用服务或网站,即表示您同意经修订和重述的条款将适用于您。

GreenGridVcm.com may amend any Terms at any time by posting the relevant amended and restated Terms on the Sites.  By continuing to access or use the Services or the Sites, you agree that the amended and restated Terms will apply to you.


1.5       如果亿电通发布或提供了本条款的英文版本的翻译,则表示您同意提供翻译仅是为了方便起见,并且英文版本将决定您对服务或网站的访问和使用。

If GreenGridVcm.com has posted or provided a translation of the English language version of the Terms, you agree that the translation is provided for convenience only and that the English language version will govern your access to and use of the Services or the Sites.

1.6       您可能需要与GreenGrid.cn或我们的关联公司就任何服务(或服务中的功能)(无论是在线还是离线)签订单独的协议(均称为“ 附加协议 ”)。如果条款与附加协议之间存在任何冲突或不一致,则仅在与该服务(或服务中的功能)相关的附加协议中优先于条款。

You may be required to enter into separate agreement(s), whether online or offline, with GreenGridVcm.com or our affiliate for any Service (or features within the Services) (each an “Additional Agreement”).  If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Terms and an Additional Agreement, the Additional Agreement shall take precedence over the Terms only in relation to that Service (or feature within the Service) concerned.   

1.7       除非获得亿电通授权人员的书面许可,否则不得对本条款进行其他修改。

The Terms may not otherwise be modified except in writing by an authorized officer of GreenGridVcm.com.   


2          服务


2.1       您必须在网站上注册为会员才能访问和使用某些服务。

You must register as a member on the Sites in order to access and use some Services.

2.2       服务(或服务中的任何功能)可能因地区和国家/地区而异。对于用户将无法获得特定服务或特性或功能或相同类型和范围的服务或特性或功能的保证或表示。亿电通自行决定限制,拒绝或创建针对不同用户对任何服务(或服务中的任何功能)的访问和使用的不同级别。

Services (or any features within the Services) may vary for different regions and countries. No warranty or representation is given that a particular Service or feature or function thereof or the same type and extent of the Service or features and functions thereof will be available for Users. GreenGridVcm.com may in our sole discretion limit, deny or create different levels of access to and use of any Services (or any features within the Services) with respect to different Users.

2.3       亿电通保留随时或永久地随时更改,升级,修改,限制或暂停服务或其任何相关功能或应用程序的权利,恕不另行通知。亿电通进一步保留权利,但没有义务为服务或服务的未来版本引入新功能,功能,应用程序或条件。 除非亿电通另有说明,否则所有新功能,功能,应用程序,条件,修改,升级和变更均受本协议约束。

GreenGridVcm.com reserves the right to change, upgrade, modify, limit or suspend the Service or any of its related functionalities or applications at any time temporarily or permanently without prior notice. GreenGridVcm.com further reserves the right but shall not be obliged to introduce new features, functionalities, applications or conditions to the Service or to future versions of the Service. All new features, functionalities, applications, conditions, modifications, upgrades and alterations shall be governed by this Agreement, unless otherwise stated by GreenGridVcm.com.

2.4       每个用户均承认,无论出于何种原因而无法全部或部分使用服务,可能会对其业务造成不利影响。 每个用户特此同意,对于因任何无法使用本服务(无论是由于服务的中断,变更或终止或其他原因),任何延迟,不准确或其他原因;或因使用或无法使用本服务而导致的任何通信,传输或交付的全部或任何部分的错误或遗漏或任何损失或损害(直接,间接,后果性或其他),亿电通均不对用户或任何第三方承担任何责任。

Each User acknowledges that inability to use the Service wholly or partially for whatever reason may have adverse effects on its business. Each User hereby agrees that in no event shall GreenGridVcm.com be liable to the User or any third parties for any inability to use the Service (whether due to disruption, changes to or termination of the Service or otherwise), any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions with respect to any communications or transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof, or any losses or damages (direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) arising from the use of or inability to use the Service.

2.5       一些服务(或部分服务)可能由亿电通的关联公司代表亿电通提供。

Some Services (or part thereof) may be provided by GreenGridVcm.com’s affiliates on behalf of GreenGridVcm.com.

2.6       亿电通可随时自行决定暂停或终止全部或部分免费用户利益,对于因暂停或终止而引起或与之相关的任何损失或损害不承担任何责任。亿电通保留随时自行决定向服务或服务的任何功能收费的权利。

GreenGridVcm.com may suspend or terminate all or part of Free User Benefits at any time in its sole discretion without liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such suspension or termination. GreenGridVcm.com reserves the right to charge for the Service or any feature or functionality of the Service at any time in its sole discretion.


3          用户账号

User Accounts

3.1       除获得亿电通(GreenGrid.cn)批准外,一个用户只能在网站上注册一个账户。如果亿电通有理由怀疑用户已同时注册或控制两个或多个帐户,则亿电通可能会取消或终止用户的帐户。此外,亿电通网站可能出于任何原因拒绝用户的注册申请。

Except with GreenGridVcm.com’s approval, one User may only register one User account on the Sites. GreenGridVcm.com may cancel or terminate a User’s User account if GreenGridVcm.com has reasons to suspect that the User has concurrently registered or is in control of two or more User accounts. Further, GreenGridVcm.com may reject User’s application for registration for any reason.

3.2       用户承认与他人共享您的帐户,或允许您业务实体外部的多个用户使用您的帐户(统称为多次使用),可能会对亿电通或网站的其他用户造成无法弥补的伤害。 对于因多次使用您的帐户而遭受的任何损失或损害(包括但不限于利润损失),用户应向亿电通,我们的关联公司,董事,雇员,代理商和代表进行赔偿。 用户还同意,在多次使用您的帐户或会员未能维护您的帐户安全的情况下,亿电通对由此造成的任何损失或损害不承担任何责任,并有权中止或终止用户账户,对用户不承担任何责任。

User acknowledges that sharing of your account with other persons, or allowing multiple users outside of your business entity to use your account (collectively, "multiple use"), may cause irreparable harm to GreenGridVcm.com or other Users of the Sites. User shall indemnify GreenGridVcm.com, our affiliates, directors, employees, agents and representatives against any loss or damages (including but not limited to loss of profits) suffered as a result of the multiple use of your account. User also agrees that in case of the multiple use of your account or User’s failure to maintain the security of your account, GreenGridVcm.com shall not be liable for any loss or damages arising from such a breach and shall have the right to suspend or terminate User’s account without liability to the User.

3.3       用户同意,对网站和服务的所有使用以及您帐户下发生的所有活动(包括但不限于发布任何公司或产品信息,点击接受任何其他协议或规则,订阅或为任何服务付款, 使用电子邮件帐户发送电子邮件或发送短信)将被视为已被授权。

User agrees that all use of the Sites and Services, and all activities that occur under your account (including without limitation, posting any company or product information, clicking to accept any Additional Agreements or rules, subscribing to or making any payment for any services, sending emails using the email account or sending SMS) will be deemed to have been authorized.


4          用户责任


4.1       每个用户声明,保证并同意(1)您具有接受条款,授予许可和授权以及履行本协议下的义务的全部权力和权力;(2)您对网站和服务的访问和使用仅出于商业目的;(3)对于是商业实体的用户,您在注册时提供的地址是您的商业实体的主要营业地点。就本条款而言,分支机构或联络处不会被视为单独的实体,您的主要营业地点将被视为总部所在地。

Each User represents, warrants and agrees that (1) you have full power and authority to accept the Terms, to grant the license and authorization and to perform the obligations hereunder; (2) your access and use the Sites and Services will be for business purposes only; and (3) for Users who are business entities, the address you provide when registering is the principal place of business of your business entity.  For purposes of this provision, a branch or liaison office will not be considered a separate entity and your principal place of business will be deemed to be that of your head office. 

4.2       作为网站注册过程的一部分,要求用户提供有关您的实体,业务或产品/服务的信息或材料,以供您访问和使用任何服务或用户帐户。每个用户均声明,保证并同意(1)无论是在注册过程中还是在随后继续使用网站或服务的过程中提交的此类信息和材料都是真实,准确,最新和完整的,并且(2)您将保持并及时修改所有信息和材料,以使其真实,准确,最新和完整。

User will be required to provide information or material about your entity, business or products/services as part of the registration process on the Sites for your access to and use of any Service or the User account.  Each User represents, warrants and agrees that (1) such information and material whether submitted during the registration process or thereafter throughout the continuation of the use of the Sites or Service is true, accurate, current and complete, and (2) you will maintain and promptly amend all information and material to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

4.3       每位用户特此声明,保证并同意,遵守任何适用的法律和法规,在网站上进行您的活动;


(1)      包含欺诈性信息或欺诈性提供物品,或涉及伪造或被盗物品或适用法律禁止销售和/或营销的物品的出售或企图销售,或以其他方式促进其他非法活动;

(2)      成为欺诈其他用户或网站其他用户或出于任何其他非法目的的计划的一部分;

(3)      侵犯或以其他方式教唆或鼓励侵犯或侵犯任何第三方的版权、专利、商标、商业秘密或其他所有权或宣传隐私权或其他合法权利;

(4)      冒充任何人或实体,歪曲自己或与任何人或实体的隶属关系;

(5)      违反任何适用的法律,法规,条例或规定(包括但不限于那些有关出口管制,消费者保护,不正当竞争,反歧视或虚假广告的规定);

(6)      包含诽谤,诽谤,非法威胁或非法骚扰的信息;

(7)      包含淫秽或包含或推断任何色情或与性相关的商品或任何其他内容的信息,或以其他方式宣传露骨色情内容或对未成年人有害的信息;

(8)      促进基于种族,性别,宗教,国籍,残疾,性取向或年龄的歧视;

(9)      包含任何构成未经授权的广告或骚扰(包括但不限于垃圾邮件),侵犯任何人的隐私或鼓励构成犯罪行为,引起民事责任或以其他方式违反任何法律或法规的材料;

(10)     试图复制,复制,利用或盗用亿电通的各种专有目录,数据库和清单;

(11)     涉及任何可能损坏,干扰,拦截或剥夺任何软件或硬件系统,数据或个人信息的计算机病毒或其他破坏性设备和代码;

(12)     涉及任何旨在破坏亿电通和/服务任何用户使用的计算机系统或网络完整性的方案,并且任何用户不得试图未经授权访问此类计算机系统或网络;

(13)     直接或间接链接或包含违反任何法律或法规或本协议或使用条款禁止的商品或服务或其他材料的描述;


Each User hereby represents, warrants and agrees that carry on your activities on the Sites in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations;conduct your business transactions with other users of the Sites in good faith;carry on your activities in accordance with the Terms and any applicable Additional Agreements;

the use by such User of the Service and the Sites shall not:

(1)      contain fraudulent information or make fraudulent offers of items or involve the sale or attempted sale of counterfeit or stolen items or items whose sales and/or marketing is prohibited by applicable law, or otherwise promote other illegal activities;

(2)      be part of a scheme to defraud other Users or other users of the Sites or for any other unlawful purpose;

(3)      infringe or otherwise abet or encourage the infringement or violation of any third party's copyright, patent, trademarks, trade secret or other proprietary right or rights of publicity and privacy or other legitimate rights;

(4)      impersonate any person or entity, misrepresent yourself or your affiliation with any person or entity;

(5)      violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including without limitation those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising);

(6)      contain information that is defamatory, libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;

(7)      contain information that is obscene or contain or infer any pornography or sex-related merchandising or any other content or otherwise promotes sexually explicit materials or is otherwise harmful to minors;

(8)      promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;

(9)      contain any material that constitutes unauthorized advertising or harassment (including but not limited to spamming), invades anyone's privacy or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law or regulation;

(10)     involve attempts to copy, reproduce, exploit or expropriate GreenGridVcm.com's various proprietary directories, databases and listings;

(11)     involve any computer viruses or other destructive devices and codes that have the effect of damaging, interfering with, intercepting or expropriating any software or hardware system, data or personal information; and

(12)     involve any scheme to undermine the integrity of the computer systems or networks used by GreenGridVcm.com and/or any user of the Service and no User shall attempt to gain unauthorized access to such computer systems or networks;

(13)     link directly or indirectly to or include descriptions of goods or services or other materials that violate any law or regulation or are prohibited under this Agreement or the Terms of Use; or

otherwise create any liability for GreenGridVcm.com or its affiliates.

4.4       用户不得使用网站服务用户帐户从事与亿电通的电子商务市场业务相同或相似的活动。

User may not use the Sites, Services or User account to engage in activities which are identical or similar to GreenGridVcm.com’s e-commerce marketplace business.

4.5       亿电通可能允许用户通过超链接(以文字链接,横幅,渠道或其他形式),API或以其他方式访问此类第三方网站来访问第三方提供的内容,产品或服务。请您在使用网站之前阅读此类网站的条款和条件和/或隐私政策。您承认,亿电通无法控制此类第三方网站,不监控此类网站,并且不对此类网站的任何人或在该网站上或通过该网站提供的任何内容,产品或服务承担任何责任。

GreenGridVcm.com may allow Users to access to content, products or services offered by third parties through hyperlinks (in the form of word link, banners, channels or otherwise), API or otherwise to such third parties' web sites. You are cautioned to read such web sites' terms and conditions and/or privacy policies before using the Sites. You acknowledge that GreenGridVcm.com has no control over such third parties' web sites, does not monitor such web sites, and shall not be responsible or liable to anyone for such web sites, or any content, products or services made available on or through such web sites.

4.6       用户承认并同意,亿电通保留对通过服务或站点创建,获取或访问的任何消息或材料或信息(包括用户内容)的内容进行主动监视或行使任何编辑控制的权利,但无此义务。每个用户对其通信的内容承担全部责任,并可能对其评论或其他材料或信息的内容承担法律责任。

User acknowledges and agrees that GreenGridVcm.com reserves the right to, but shall not be required to actively monitor or exercise any editorial control whatsoever over the content of any message or material or information (including User Content) created, obtained or accessible through the Services or Sites. Each User is solely responsible for the contents of their communications and may be held legally liable or accountable for the content of their comments or other material or information.

4.7       亿电通保留自行决定删除,修改或拒绝您提交或发布在网站上显示的我们有理由认为是非法或违反条款的任何用户内容的权利。



GreenGridVcm.com reserves the right in our sole discretion to remove, modify or reject any User Content that you submit to, post or display on the Sites which we reasonably believe is unlawful, violates the Terms, could subject GreenGridVcm.com or our affiliates to liability.

GreenGridVcm.com reserves the right to cooperate fully with governmental and regulatory authorities, law enforcement bodies, private investigators and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected criminal or civil wrongdoing. Further, to the extent permitted under applicable laws and policies, GreenGridVcm.com may disclose the User's identity, contact information and/or information regarding the User's account(s), transactions or activities carried out on or via the Sites, GreenGridVcm.com shall not be liable for damages or results thereof and User agrees not to bring any action or claim against GreenGridVcm.com for such disclosure.

In connection with any of the foregoing, GreenGridVcm.com may suspend or terminate the Account of any User as GreenGridVcm.com deems appropriate in its sole discretion.


5          隐私政策

Privacy Policy

5.1       个人信息收集


(1)      您提供给我们的信息

(2)      姓名,地址,电话号码,电子邮件地址,职务和部门; 

(3)      税务登记和/或与您的业务有关的信息,例如您的公司名称,业务类型和行业,公司注册详细信息以及有关您的营业执照的信息;

(4)      您打算通过平台出售的商品和产品的详细信息,以及您在亿电通网站上的销售/交易的详细信息;

(5)      您可能有兴趣通过平台购买的商品和产品的详细信息或偏好,以及与您购买相关的任何详细信息或偏好;

(6)      您的实时视频,您的社交媒体账户名和个人资料照片,以及平台其他用户发表的帖子或评论;

(7)      某些付款信息,包括银行帐号,账单和交货信息,信用卡/借记卡号,到期日期和安全代码,以及来自支票或汇票的跟踪信息,以促进产品的买卖和购买价格的结算 或通过平台进行交易或采购的服务;

(8)      提供给我们的有关与平台或通过平台购买的商品和/或服务有关的纠纷或投诉的任何信息。


The personal information that we may collect about you broadly falls into the following categories:

(1)      Information you provide to us

(2)      name, address, phone number, email address, job title and department; 

(3)      tax registration and/or related information about your business, such as your company name, business type and industry, corporate registration details and information about your business license;

(4)      details about the goods and products that you intend to sell via the Platform and details about your sales/transactions on GreenGridVcm.com;

(5)      details or preferences about the goods and products that you may be interested in buying via the Platform and any details or preferences relevant to your purchases;

(6)      your live stream videos, your social media account names and profile photos, and posts or comments made by other users of the Platform;

(7)      certain payment information including, bank account numbers, billing and delivery information, credit/debit card numbers, expiration dates and security code and tracking information from cheques or money orders to facilitate the sale and purchase as well as the settlement of purchase price of the products or services transacted on or procured through the Platform;

(8)      any information provided to us in connection with disputes or complaints in connection with the Platform or goods and/or services purchased via the Platform.

5.2       我们自动收集的信息

(1)      如果您与我们联系,我们可能会记录您的信件副本。

(2)      我们将从公开来源收集用户的联系方式和其他信息,以验证用户和对用户进行尽职调查。

(3)      我们将在平台上收集用户活动,交易和交互的详细信息,包括与所购买产品和服务的类型和规格有关的信息,定价和交付信息,争议和投诉记录,用户之间的交流以及在任何论坛中披露的任何信息。

(4)      我们也可能收集有关现有和潜在用户的信息。 包括代表联系人姓名,地址,电话号码,传真号码和电子邮件地址。

(5)      如果您访问我们的平台,我们将自动从您的设备中收集某些信息。 这些信息可能包括IP地址,设备类型,唯一的设备标识号,浏览器类型,广泛的地理位置(例如,国家或城市级别的位置),浏览方式以及您与我们平台互动的方式的详细信息。 此外,我们收集统计信息,包括浏览器软件,操作系统,软件和硬件属性,查看的页面,会话数和唯一身份访问者。

Information that we collect automatically

(1)      If you contact us, we may record a copy of your correspondence.

(2)      We will collect contact details and other information of users from publicly available sources for the purposes of verifying the users and performing due diligence on the users.

(3)      We will collect details of user activities, transactions and interactions on the Platform including information relating to the types and specifications of the products and services purchased, pricing and delivery information, dispute and complaint records, communications between users and any information disclosed in any discussion forum.

(4)      we may also collect information about the existing and prospective users. Including representative contact names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses.

(5)      If you visit our Platform, we will automatically collect certain information from your device. this information may include IP addresses, device type, unique device identification numbers, browser type, broad geographic location (e.g. country or city-level location), browsing patterns and details of how you have interacted with our Platform. In addition, we gather statistical information including, browser software, operating system, software and hardware attributes, pages viewed, number of sessions and unique visitors. 

5.3       我们从第三方收到的信息,例如: 

(1)      您的用户名或昵称

(2)      您的个人资料照片

(3)      国家 

(4)      公司名称

(5)      联系信息

(6)      您的姓名,电子邮件地址,公司详细信息和联系信息。

Information that we receive from third partiessuch as: 

(1)      Your user name or nickname

(2)      Your profile picture

(3)      Country 

(4)      Company name

(5)      Contact details

(6)      Your name, email address, company details and contact information.


5.4       个人信息的使用


(1)      验证您的身份并进行安全性,KYC(了解您的客户)和反洗钱尽职调查以及背景调查,以便建立用户帐户;

(2)      根据此处的使用条款,验证您是否有资格注册为平台用户;

(3)      设置/管理用户帐户,包括提供登录ID和开发平台配置文件; 

(4)      为用户提供客户服务支持;响应查询,反馈并处理索赔和/或纠纷;

(5)      通过平台促进买卖双方之间的沟通,处理通过平台进行的买卖双方之间的交易和结算,评估卖方的提款要求;

(6)      提供物流和仓储服务(包括但不限于通过平台进行的海关清关申报);

(7)      通过平台促进通关申报/申请;

(8)      评估和监控亿电通用户的帐户安全和交易风险,检测并防止欺诈,洗钱和其他安全事件;

(9)      根据您的浏览记录和您的订单历史,个性化我们与您的营销和沟通;

(10)     进行研究或统计分析,以改善平台的内容和布局,以及改善亿电通上的产品和服务,包括例如使用匿名数据进行机器学习;

(11)     根据适用法律,确定,开发,营销和广告我们认为您会重视的产品和服务,包括跨浏览器和设备的价值。Cookies或其他类似技术可用于根据您的浏览活动和兴趣向您提供广告(请参阅下面的E.“ COOKIES”部分)。根据适用法律的要求,我们会在出于市场营销目的向您发送通讯之前征得您的同意;  

(12)     如果您是买方,我们将在平台上共享最近查看的产品的详细信息,以使卖方可以与您联系,提供您可能感兴趣的产品和/或服务的详细信息。

(13)     如果适用,并且在适用情况允许的情况下,我们也可能将您的个人信息用于与我们披露给您的目的不相容的其他目的(例如出于公共利益的存档目的,科学研究或历史研究目的或统计目的)数据保护法。


We collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

(1)      verifying your identity and conducting security, KYC (know-your-customer) and anti-money laundering diligence and background checks in order to set up user accounts;

(2)      verifying your eligibility to register as a Platform user in accordance with our Terms of Use here;

(3)      setting up / administering user accounts, including providing log-in IDs and developing a Platform profile; 

(4)      providing users with customer service support; responding to queries, feedback, and managing claims and/or disputes;

(5)      facilitating communication between Buyers and Sellers via the Platform, processing transactions and settlement between Buyers and Sellers made over the Platform, assessing fund withdrawal requests from Sellers;

(6)      providing logistics and warehousing services (including, without limitation, customs clearance declarations via the Platform);

(7)      facilitating customs clearance declarations / applications via the Platform;

(8)      assessing and monitoring account security and transaction risks of users of GreenGridVcm.com, detecting and preventing fraud, money laundering and other security incidents;

(9)      personalizing our marketing and communications with you based on your browsing records, and your order history;

(10)     performing research or statistical analysis in order to improve the content and layout of the Platform, and to improve the product offerings and services on GreenGridVcm.com, including, for example, using anonymized data for machine learning purposes;

(11)     identifying, developing and marketing and advertising products and services that we believe you will value, including across browsers and devices, in accordance with applicable laws. Cookies or other similar technologies may be used to provide you with advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests (see section E. "COOKIES" below).  Where we are required by applicable law, we will seek your consent prior to sending you communications for marketing purposes; 

(12)     if you are a Buyer, we will share details of the last viewed products on the Platform to enable Sellers to contact you with details of products and/or services that might interest you. 

(13)     We may also use your personal information for other purposes that are not incompatible with the purposes we have disclosed to you (such as archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes) if and where this is permitted by applicable data protection laws.

5.5       披露或分享个人信息



(1)      亿电通集团成员及其各自的关联公司和/或与我们合作的指定服务提供商,以提供处理服务,例如本隐私政策中所述的软件,工具,系统和消息传递服务

(2)      我们的业务合作伙伴(例如,为了使他们为您提供您可能感兴趣的折扣或优惠);

(3)      营销和广告平台(例如GoogleTwitterFacebookInstagram)以及与用户行为有关的分析服务提供商,以量身定制您访问我们平台时看到的内容。这些平台可能会将他们在我们平台上收集的信息与他们平台上的数据以及从其他网站或通过其他来源收集的数据结合起来,以便进行有针对性的广告。这些第三方营销平台的处理活动受其自己的隐私政策(而非本隐私政策)约束;

(4)      收集和处理个人信息以协助结算交易付款或处理卖方提款请求的支付服务提供商。支付服务提供商的活动可能受其自己的隐私政策(而非本隐私政策)约束;

(5)      信用风险评估提供商对卖方进行风险评估,以确定是否可以允许卖方提取资金;

(6)      物流合作伙伴,为买方提供送货服务,包括退货和交换产品以及为卖方提供仓储服务;

(7)      海关清关代理;

(8)      云计算服务提供商提供云存储服务;

(9)      为客户服务提供商提供售后服务; 

(10)     风险控制服务提供商,以评估用户帐户和交易风险的安全性;和

(11)     第三方评级/审查服务提供商,开展我们的服务的评价与客户,如果你选择参加审查或评级亿电通的产品和/或服务

(12)     对于我们认为有必要遵守适用法律或行使,确立或捍卫我们的合法权益或保护您或他人的重大利益的专业顾问,执法机构,保险公司,政府和监管机构以及其他组织,我们也可能会披露或转移您的个人信息。

(13)     就实际或建议购买,合并或收购我们业务的任何部分而向实际或潜在买方(及其代理商和顾问)提供的条件,但前提是我们告知买方,其必须仅将您的个人信息在本隐私政策框架下使用;

(14)     经您本人同意的披露。



We may disclose (or provide access to) personal information to the following categories of recipients:

Third party business partners, service providers and/or affiliates of GreenGridVcm.com engaged by us or working with us to assist us to provide services to you or who otherwise process personal information for purposes described in this Privacy Policy or notified to you when we collect your personal information.  Categories of these partners or service providers include:

(1)      Users of GreenGridVcm.com and their respective affiliates and/or their designated service providers that work with us to provide processing services such as software, tools, systems and messaging services for purposes described in this Privacy Policy; 

(2)      our business partners (for example, in order for them to provide you with discounts or offers that may interest you);

(3)      marketing and advertising platforms, such as Google, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and providers of analytics services relating to users’ behavior, in order to tailor the content you see when visiting our Platform. These platforms may combine information they collect on our Platform with data on their platforms and data they collect from other websites or through other sources in order to conduct targeted advertising.  The processing activities of these third party marketing platforms are governed by their own privacy policies, not this Privacy Policy;

(4)      payment service providers who collect and process personal information to assist with settling the payments for transactions or process withdrawal requests for Sellers. The activities of payment service providers may be governed by their own privacy policies, not this Privacy Policy; 

(5)      credit risk assessment providers to conduct risk assessment on Sellers to determine whether a Seller can be permitted to make a fund withdrawal;

(6)      logistics partners for providing delivery services for Buyers, including return and exchange of products, and warehousing services for Sellers;

(7)      custom agents for customs clearances purposes;

(8)      cloud computing service providers to provide cloud storage services;

(9)      customer service providers to provide after-sale services; 

(10)     risk control service providers to assess the security of users’ accounts and transaction risks; and

(11)     third party rating / reviewing service providers to carry out reviews of our services with customers if you choose to participate in reviewing or rating GreenGridVcm.com products and/or services; 

(12)     To our professional advisers, law enforcement agencies, insurers, government and regulatory and other organizations where we believe it is necessary to comply with applicable laws or to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights or protect your vital interests or those of any other person, we may also disclose and transfer your personal information.

(13)     To an actual or potential buyer (and its agents and advisers) in connection with any actual or proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

(14)     To any other person with your consent to the disclosure.

We may provide aggregated or anonymized data to third parties, but when we do so, the information we share is in a de-identified format that does not personally identify you. 


6          责任范围


6.1       在法律允许的最大范围内,亿电通对网站上或通过网站提供的任何信息的有效性,真实性,准确性,可靠性,质量,稳定性,完整性或准确性不做任何陈述或保证;亿电通不代表或保证本网站上提供或显示的产品,服务,进口,出口,分销,提供,展示,购买,销售和/或使用的产品或服务不会侵犯任何第三方权利;亿电通对网站上提供或展示的任何产品或服务均不做任何形式的陈述或保证。


6.2       通过网站或服务下载或以其他方式获得的任何材料均由每个用户自行决定并承担风险,并且每个用户应对其自身或对亿电通的计算机系统的任何损坏或任何可能造成的数据丢失或下载任何此类材料导致的结果承担全部责任。任何用户从亿电通或通过本网站获得的任何建议或信息,无论是口头还是书面形式,均不构成此处未明确说明的任何保证。

Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Sites or Services is done at each User's sole discretion and risk and each User is solely responsible for any damage to its own or to GreenGridVcm.com’s computer system(s) or any loss of data that may result from the download of any such material. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by any User from GreenGridVcm.com or through or from the Sites shall create any warranty not expressly stated herein.

6.3       网站可以向用户提供由独立第三方提供的服务或产品。此类服务或产品不做任何保证或声明。在任何情况下,亿电通或我们的关联公司均不对任何此类服务或产品承担责任。网站对第三方产品或服务不承担责任。

The Sites may make available to User services or products provided by independent third parties.  No warranty or representation is made with regard to such services or products. In no event shall GreenGridVcm.com or our affiliates be held liable for any such services or products.

6.4       在任何情况下,亿电通都不对由于超出我们合理控制范围(包括但不限于)的或直接或间接的自然,武力原因导致的通过本网站访问或提供的内容或服务的任何延迟,失败或中断承担责任。包括但不限于互联网故障,计算机,电信或任何其他设备故障,电力故障,罢工,劳资纠纷,骚乱,暴动,内乱,劳力或物资短缺,火灾,洪水,暴风雨,爆炸,天灾, 战争,政府行为,国内或国外法院或法庭的命令或第三方的不履行行为。

Under no circumstances shall GreenGridVcm.com be held liable for any delay or failure or disruption of the content or the Services accessed or delivered through the Sites resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation, Internet failures, computer, telecommunications or any other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, flood, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals or non-performance of third parties.


GreenGridVcm.com shall not be liable for any special, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever (including but not limited to damages for loss of profits or savings, business interruption, loss of information), whether in contract, negligence, tort, equity or otherwise or any other damages resulting from any conditions.


7          知识产权


7.1       亿电通是网站和网站内容的所有权利的唯一所有者或合法被许可人。网站和网站内容体现了受全球版权和其他法律保护的商业秘密和其他知识产权。网站和网站内容中的所有所有权,所有权和知识产权(视情况而定)归亿电通,我们的关联公司或许可人所有。特此保留本条款或GreenGrid.cn所未主张的所有权利。

GreenGridVcm.com is the sole owner or lawful licensee of all the rights and interests in the Sites and the Site Content. The Sites and Site Content embody trade secrets and other intellectual property rights protected under worldwide copyright and other laws. All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Sites and Site Content shall remain with GreenGridVcm.com, our affiliates or licensors, as the case may be. All rights not otherwise claimed under the Terms or by GreenGridVcm.com are hereby reserved.


7.2       “ GREENGRID.CN”及相关图标和徽标是上海亿电通网络科技有限公司的注册商标或商标或服务标志;严格禁止擅自复制,修改,使用或发布这些商标。

"GREENGRIDVCM.COM" and related icons and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks or service marks ofDalian GreenGrid Co., Ltd. The unauthorized copying, modification, use or publication of these marks is strictly prohibited.


7.3       亿电通可能具有参与提供站点或服务的独立第三方(例如,身份验证和验证服务提供商)。未经此类第三方的事先书面许可,您不得使用此类独立第三方的任何商标,服务标志或徽标。

GreenGridVcm.com may have independent third parties involved in the provision of the Sites or Services (e.g., the authentication and verification service providers). You may not use any trademark, service mark or logo of such independent third parties without prior written approval from such parties.


8          一般规定


8.1       在遵守任何其他协议的前提下,本条款构成您与亿电通之间有关并管理您对网站和服务的使用的全部协议,并取代与本文中相同主题的任何先前的书面或口头协议。

Subject to any Additional Agreements, the Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and GreenGridVcm.com with respect to and govern your use of the Sites and Services, superseding any prior written or oral agreements in relation to the same subject matter herein.

8.2       亿电通和用户均为独立合同方,本协议无代理、合伙、合资、雇佣或加盟关系。

GreenGridVcm.com and the User are independent contractors, and no agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this Agreement.

8.3       如果本条款的任何规定被认定为无效或无法执行,则应删除该规定,其余规定应保持有效并得到执行。

If any provision of the Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and be enforced.

8.4       标题仅供参考,绝不能定义,限制,解释或描述本节的范围或程度。

Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section.

8.5       对于会员违反本协议所规定的任何行为,亿电通没有行使任何权利或不采取行动将不会放弃该权利,也不会放弃亿电通就随后或类似的违反行为采取行动的权利。

GreenGridVcm.com's failure to enforce any right or failure to act with respect to any breach by a User under this Agreement will not waive that right nor waive GreenGridVcm.com's right to act with respect with subsequent or similar breaches.

8.6       亿电通有权将本协议(包括本协议的所有权利,所有权,利益,孳息以及责任和义务)转让给任何个人或实体(包括亿电通的任何关联公司)。会员不得将本协议的全部或部分转让给任何个人或实体。

GreenGridVcm.com shall have the right to assign this Agreement (including all of its rights, titles, benefits, interests, and obligations and duties in this Agreement) to any person or entity (including any affiliates of GreenGridVcm.com). The User may not assign, in whole or part, this Agreement to any person or entity.


8.7       如果您根据第1.1条与上海亿电通网络科技有限公司签约,则本协议应受中华人民共和国的法律管辖,凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交上海仲裁委员会按照该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方当事人均有约束力。

THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (“PRC”) IF YOU CONTRACT WITH GREENGRID (DALIAN) POWER TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd. ACCORDING TO PARAGRAPH 1.1.Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to Shanghai Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.”


8.8       如果本协议的英文版本与其他语言版本之间存在任何冲突,则以中文版本为准。

If there is any conflict between the English version and another language version of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail.


8.9       您同意亿电通以电子方式发送给您的所有协议,通知,要求,披露和其他通讯将满足任何法律要求,即此类通讯应为书面形式。

You agree that all agreements, notices, demands, disclosures and other communications that GreenGridVcm.com sends to you electronically will satisfy any legal requirement that such communication should be in writing.


8.10      如果以个人方式,通过快递,挂号信,传真或电子邮件发送至用户提供给亿电通的最新已知信件,传真或电子邮件地址,则发给用户或对用户的所有法律通知或要求均有效。或通过在网站的某个区域发布此类通知或要求而无需付费即可使用。在以下情况下以及以下情况下,应视为已收到该用户的通知:

(1)      亿电通能够证明以物理或电子形式的通信已发送给该用户,或

(2)      亿电通在将此类通知发布到可免费公开访问的网站区域后立即发出。

All legal notices or demands to or upon a User shall be effective if either delivered personally, sent by courier, certified mail, by facsimile or email to the last-known correspondence, fax or email address provided by the User to GreenGridVcm.com, or by posting such notice or demand on an area of the Sites that is publicly accessible without a charge. Notice to a User shall be deemed to be received by such User if and when:

(1)      GreenGridVcm.com is able to demonstrate that communication, whether in physical or electronic form, has been sent to such User, or

(2)      immediately upon GreenGridVcm.com posting such notice on an area of the Sites that is publicly accessible without charge.

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